Transient Electroluminescence
To deal with the injection inefficiency caused by Schottky contacts, I developed an AC carrier injection architecture, a device concept that is capable of efficiently injecting carriers in various excitonic systems, including monolayer semiconductors (Nat. Comm. 2018), with demonstrations of bright light-emitting devices from infrared to ultraviolet regimes. Ohmic contacts to both carrier types are typically a requirement for high-performance light-emitting diodes but are challenging to achieve in practice. This fundamental challenge can be resolved by leveraging transient-mode device operation. Using monolayers as an example in this dopant-less device (monolayer semiconductors have significant Schottky barriers at metal-semiconductor junctions), an AC voltage is applied to a gate electrode to generate alternating electron and hole populations in the thin semiconductor film. During the ac transients, steep band bending is created at the metal-semiconductor junction, which leads to large tunneling currents that surmount the Schottky barrier height. As a result, bright EL is achieved at high injection levels.

Using this device concept, I demonstrate for the first time a two-terminal monolayer-thick light-emitting device with millimeter dimensions. We achieve a 7-segement display and a 2 mm × 3 mm device which is transparent in the off-state and bright in ambient room lighting. This work represents a fundamental breakthrough in the development of optoelectronic devices with important scientific and practical implications. This transient-EL concept can be extended to large bandgap materials in the future, for which achieving ohmic contacts to both carrier types is particularly challenging.

My publications:
1) Nature Communications, 9, 1129, 2018.
2) Nature Electronics, 2020.
3) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 117 (2), 902-906, 2020.
4) Advanced Functional Materials, 30 (6), 1907941, 2020.